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Human Rights Council

The United Nations Human Rights Council seeks to promote the protection of universal human rights and freedom. The council’s role is to investigate breaches and violations of human rights and make recommendations on how they should be addressed.


IHyeon Rha (SMIC)

Deputy President
Yejun Kim (DCB)

Deputy President
Chingmo Ethan Zhou (SHSID)

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Hello everyone! My name is IHyeon Rha, and I will be your President Chair for the Human Rights Council. I am currently a senior at SMIC Private School, and this will be my sixth and final year in MUN. I still remember how my first MUN career started, and how I was absolutely terrified during my first few conferences. In fact, my first MUN conference took place in HRC. It's a little nostalgic to look back and realize how much time has passed since then. Moreover, the topic I will be responsible for is "addressing the issue of the human rights of Kurdish people in Turkey". I hope I can guide everyone well at SHASMUN, and please do not be afraid to pass me notes during the conference. See you all in November!

Hello delegates! My name is Yejun Kim and I will be assigned the deputy chair for the Human Rights Council, writing the chair report on the topic of “Counteracting the criminalization of LGBTQ+ rights”. I am from Dulwich College Beijing, and am currently in year 10. My first MUN conference started in year 9, and I have been enthusiastically committed since then. I am thrilled to be a part of the student officer team and hope that SHASMUN 2024 will be an enjoyable and memorable conference for all delegates!

Greetings! My name is Chingmo Zhou, and I’m a sophomore attending Shanghai High School International Division. Growing up in Maryland, I always had an affinity for public speaking and international policy; MUN was how I explored these interests. Although I only began my MUN journey in 8th grade, it has quickly become a crucial part of my life at school. There’s nothing I’d prefer more than hanging out with my fellow delegates while we aimlessly rant about our committee circumstances and other shenanigans. As deputy president of the Human RightsCouncil, I hope my topic regarding the imminent growth of sweatshops in Southeast Asia arouses this type of excitement and debate too. With millions of worker lives at stake, and subsequently the livelihoods of many multi-billion dollar conglomerates, I await to see the many resolutions, amendments, and speeches discussing these grave issues. See all of you at SHASMUN 24!

©2024 by Shanghai American School Pudong MUN

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